Electromotors for elevators of new generation of skb ukrelectromash: reliability in work

For the elevator industry, the company has developed and serially produced energy-efficient electric motors for driving both gear winches with the possibility of use in high-rise buildings of 16 floors or higher, as well as gearless winches of modern elevators with a speed of 1-1.6 m / s or higher and with a carrying capacity of up to 1000 kg.
A distinctive feature of all elevator electric motors from the Kharkiv manufacturer is the thermal protection built into the winding, which excludes the electric motor failing in emergency operation modes. Another unquestionable advantage of the electric motors manufactured by the SKB UKRELECTROMASH is the capacity of 3.55 kW, which provides a margin of safety, significantly increases the motor's life and extends its service life by 30-40%. At the Ukrainian market, these motors are the only ones of their kind according to its characteristics, since analogues from other manufacturers (mainly Russian companies) have a lower power (up to 3 kW) and are not equipped with built-in temperature protection. In addition, the elevator motors developed at the Kharkiv plant have a number of other advantages.
Advantages of the elevator motors developed at the SKB UKRELECTROMASH:
In the design is used high-energy, energy-efficient closed bearings of its own production; the thermal protection built into the winding which prevents the motor from failing in emergency operation modes; increased reliability, high efficiency and low power consumption; high traction characteristics; do not require an additional seat (easily interchangeable with lift engines of the old model); motors do not require scheduled maintenance during operation.
The elevator motors and winches are certified and meet all the requirements of norms of electric safety of UkrSepro governmental certification system, standards, GOSTs, technical requirements.
Achievement of such high results in the production of the SKB UKRELECTROMASH is possible due to the availability of its own testing center equipped with modern automatic stands and unique testing equipment. The center's capabilities make it possible to carry out a full range of tests of electric motors and devices (mechanical, climatic, electric, vibro-acoustic, etc.) that are being aggregated with them, as well as give the opportunity to test both single samples of equipment and small industrial lots. Despite the fact that the enterprise carries out control of processes at all stages of production, all the motors before they get to the customer, shall mandatory go through outer control at the company's stands.
High reliability of elevator motors and precision of designs are also provided by the automation of business processes. The whole processes of design and development of equipment is carried out on the bases of modern universal software specially designed for the calculation of electric motors (CAD / CAM / CAE, Pro / ENGINEER, WindChill, "Sprut").
Thus, the engineering and manufacturing center of the SKB UKRELECTROMASH performs the entire complex of works related to the development, manufacture of prototypes, testing, setting for production and manufacturing of elevator motors and winches.
In addition, a team of qualified specialists of the service center for warranty and post-warranty maintenance of electrical equipment created on the basis of the SKB UKRELECTROMASH guarantees quality timely repairs and reliable maintenance of motors for the reliable operation of elevators.
The SKB UKRELECTROMASH is the leading developer in Ukraine of general industrial and special-purpose electric motors of small and medium heights, generators, as well as electric pumps, water pumps, frequency-controlled drives, electric compressors and other devices. Unique for their structural, electrical, mechanical and other parameters, the SKB electric motors operate in 40 countries and are used in the life support systems for sea vessels, railway locomotives, nuclear power plants, including those, operating under extreme climatic conditions.
Warranty, after- and off-warranty repair of equipment (rewinding, recovery of passport characteristics and appearance); commissioning of equipment, installation, installation supervision; maintenance and scheduled maintenance; diagnostics, adjustment and modernization; services of refitting, modification and modernization; carrying out necessary (climatic, thermal, vibro-noise) tests, etc.
Highly qualified specialists of the service center maintain the electrical equipment of their own production, as well as products of other manufacturers. In addition, the maintenance of elevator motors takes place in Ukraine, thus, excluding barriers / borders, as in the case between a foreign supplier and a domestic consumer.
Great practical experience in the creation of energy efficient motors, ability to solve timely and qualitatively necessary tasks have turned the SKB UKRELECTROMASH into a leading developer of electrical products and a reliable partner for many enterprises-customers. The striving for energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, controllability and compactness, which underlies the development and production of products in the SKB UKRELECTROMASH, ensure the reliability of constructions, their quality and durability.
• Electric motor of ADB160L6 / 18LBU type for gear winches is three-phase induction double-speed low-noise motor with squirrel-cage rotor, designed for driving passenger, cargo-passenger and freight elevators of residential, administrative and industrial buildings. This motor with the height of the rotation axis of 160 mm for use in high-rise buildings has IP10, and equipped with self-ventilation and built-in temperature sensors.
• Electric motor of ADB180M6 / 18LBU type for gear winches is three-phase induction double -speed low-noise engine with squirrel-cage rotor, designed for driving passenger, cargo-passenger and freight elevators of residential, administrative and industrial buildings. This motor with the height of the rotation axis of 180 mm for use in high-rise buildings of 16 and more floors has a IP10, and equipped with self-ventilation and built-in temperature sensors.
• The ADBH180L12LBU3 electric motor for driving gearless elevator winch is an induction motor with squirrel cage rotor, designed for operation from a frequency converter, with the regulation of the rotor speed. Regulation is carried out according to the scalar law of control. It is used in gearless elevator winches of modern elevators.
• The elevator gearless winch on the basis of the frequency-controlled induction motor of ADBH180L12BU3 type with a rope-pull pulley is designed to create a traction force ensuring the movement of the elevator cabin with a 2:1 pulley suspension, lifting capacity of 630 kg and a speed of 1.6 m / s. Operates from the frequency converter.